Smile Car Insurance Experience Smile Car Experience Switzerland Experience Report Smile Car Insurance Review

Smile Car Insurance Experience 2024

Is there a Swiss car insurance that is really drastically different from other car insurance? An insurance that suits you personally and rewards you for good driving behavior?

We test the Smile Car Insurance for several years. The Digital processing in the Smile app, Flexibly customisable insurance benefits and Favourable fees had inspired us for a long time. A claim had never occurred until recently, which is why there was no review on Schwiizerfranke. After all, you often only recognise the "true face of an insurance company" when you need its services.

In this article about our Smile Car insurance experience, you will not only learn everything about the structure of the insurance, the fees and the Drive Coach (you can be happy), but also about how Smile behaves in the event of a claim.

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Smile Auto Insurance at a glance

Smile Auto Versicherung is called "Smile Car" by the provider and is advertised as the most direct car insurance in Switzerland. Smile itself belongs to the Helvetia Group and specializes in direct, digital insurance.

The slogan "Insurance without blah blah blah" is something you will encounter again and again at Smile and is actually implemented. Our many years of experience with Smile Car Insurance have shown that Smile is based on Transparency sets.

Yours You can customise Smile Auto insurance to suit your individual needs. We're not just talking about third-party liability, partial or fully comprehensive cover here. For example, you can insure your bonus level, personal items in the car or even gross negligence. All options are just a click away and the associated costs are displayed directly to you. This allows you to save on fees by only insuring what is really important to you.

Smile Car Insurance Experience Smile Car Review Switzerland Switzerland Experience Report Smile Car Insurance Test
Screenshot: Smile Car insurance with optionally selectable insurance modules.

What many people don't realise is that the reverse is also true. Those who prefer to play it safe often have to rummage through the small print of other Swiss car insurance policies. Because Every insurance benefit also has its limits. With Smile you know exactly what is covered and can then rely on the insurance cover.

Would you like to learn more about your Smile Car insurance? Then select under the insurance options the option "More setting options". Now you will get to a deeper level with more info and options to set the insurance benefits. You can return at any time by clicking on the "Too much blah?" button.

You want to buy Smile Auto Insurance Switzerland online?

If you are happy with the insurance, you can take it out directly. Finalise online. Even though we all appreciate human contact, few of us would want to expose ourselves to a sales pitch with an insurance agent. If you still have questions, you can, for example, ask a Insurance quote for a comparison can be created. Smile's support is available to you at all times despite the focus on the digital and paperless solution.

There are also positive things to note in terms of support. Smile Support is very easy to reach. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case with all providers, which is why Smile Support stands out in a particularly positive light.

For example, you would like to initiate a Smile claim or have questions about a product? You will receive an answer to your request by phone call, callback agreement, e-mail, chat or contact form.

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Smile damage report

The Smile Claims notification works conveniently in the Smile app, on the website or for example by telephone. To report a claim on your car insurance, there are here a page, where you can enter the claim and process it conveniently.

As you readers have asked us about our personal Smile Car Insurance experiences, here is a Personal experience report on claims handling.

On a balmy summer evening last year, the weather changed within minutes and hailstones the size of golf balls embellished my VW. After 30 minutes, the storm was over, but the dents remained.

The next day, I opened the Smile app and started the damage report for the fully comprehensive insured vehicle. Within a few days, an assessor had already visited me and counted several hundred dents in the vehicle. Now there was a choice between a payout or the repair. I opted for the repair, and the appraiser directly referred me to a specialized repair shop. The workshop picked up the car a short time later, provided a replacement vehicle free of charge and returned the dent-free VW freshly cleaned after one day. The bill went directly to Smile, was settled without any queries and the case was settled for me.

Smile car insurance experience

After several years without a claim, I was curious to see how Smile Insurance would react in the event of a claim. Conclusion for me: The handling of the claim could hardly have gone any better.

A very positive conclusion to our Smile car insurance experience. From the convenient online conclusion of the insurance, to the transparent fee structure, to the claims settlement, we can only say good things about Smile Car.

Have you already had experiences with Smile car insurance or other Smile insurances? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments.

Smile Drive Coach Experience

Our Smile review could be over at this point, but Steve Jobs would have said: There is one more thing.

The Smile Drive Coach offers you the opportunity to save money by rewarded for a safe driving style. How does that work?

The Drive Coach is a voluntary feature within the Smile app. Don't feel like it? Then leave it deactivated.

You want to save fees? Then you can activate the Smile Drive Coach in the Smile app. Depending on how you drive, you can earn Smile Rewards points worth up to about CHF 40 per year. This can be up to 10% of your annual reward! The points are credited to you every week in the app.

Don't worry, your data will be handled securely and your cell phone battery will not be stressed. When you activate Drive Coach, your driving data is analyzed. Do you drive with foresight and, for example, do not use other apps while driving? Then you can collect Smile Rewards for your driving style and redeem them in the app. This way you can actively save money on your car insurance.

You accelerate sharply, brake even sharper and are meanwhile on WhatsApp? Don't worry, you won't be punished by the Smile Drive Coach. There are expressly no negative effects on your policy or, for example, in the event of a claim.

So, if you want to gain experience with Smile Drive Coach yourself, you don't have to fear any negative consequences, should your driving style be rather sporty.

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Conclusion of our Smile Car insurance experience

As you can see, we are also not insurance professionals or lawyers who "pick apart" insurance policies in detail. Rather, our approach to the Smile Car insurance experience report is very practical. The Many years of product testing and exchange with other customersand the Smile team gave us a very good impression of Smile car insurance. We like the flexibility and transparency best.

The fact that careful driving behaviour is rewarded is a very exciting additional feature. Favourable fees and Good support in the event of damage are the basis for a good car insurance policy for many users - at Smile we are very happy with this.

Tip: If you would like to start with Smile, please use the Smile voucher codeto save on your insurance fees!


As soon as your insurance is active, you will receive your Smile insurance certificate. You can find it in the Smile app under Insurance > Contracts > Documents.

If you want to deactivate the Smile Drive Coach, you can do so in the settings at any time. Even for a single trip, as you can reactivate it at any time.

To calculate the cost of Smile Car insurance, it is best to enter your chassis number at Smile. This way, the Smile Car insurance can be calculated specifically for your car.

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