Freya 3a Experience Report and Review Sustainable Investing 3a ESG

Impact & ESG Investing with Freya Savings

In probably every investment book you can find the reference to a long-term horizon when investing. The background to this recommendation is the fluctuations in the stock markets, which can be outweighed by long-term investments. Those who think and act for the long term will perhaps also think about topics such as the sustainability of their financial investments. Freely based on the quote by Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach "what we do today decides what the world of tomorrow will look like".

At 1st part of our sustainability series we talked in general about the topic of impact investing. Today's 2nd part is intended to answer further questions on the topic of impact investing and also provide a first insight into the pension solution of FREYA 3a. For this purpose, we have once again called on the team of experts around FREYA Savings for an interview:

  • Roman Gaus is Co-Founder at FREYA Savings. The FREYA app combines sense and profit with its sustainable investment solution for pillar 3a
  • David Gartmann is Head of Business Development Investment Center at Graubündner Kantonalbank
  • Rolf Kutos takes care of the structure of the investment solution and the selection of investment vehicles at Freya Savings
Impact Investing with FREYA 1

Roman Gaus

Co-Founder Freya Savings

Impact Investing with FREYA 1

Rolf Kutos

Advisor investment solutions

Impact Investing with FREYA 1

David Gartmann

Cantonal Bank of Graubünden

What is FREYA Savings & how did FREYA 3a come about?

There are already a few digital pension solutions in the Swiss market. What inspired you to launch FREYA Savings and what is FREYA 3a actually??

Roman: In principle, FREYA is about pension provision with a sensible return. Internally, we also call this "combining sense & profit", because sustainability and attractive performance are very closely linked.

The central insight behind FREYA is that today's financial decisions also have consequences for future generations and must therefore be included in our investment strategy. Accordingly, all decisions are not just about the present, but also about the future for everyone. With FREYA 3a, we are applying this knowledge for the first time in the area of tied pension provision (pillar 3a).

FREYA 3a is therefore about making sustainable pension provision as simple, clever and sensible as possible for everyone. Our customers can independently manage their retirement provision and at the same time achieve social, ecological (or) and societal added value with responsible securities investments. To this end, we have designed a customised Sense Profile that makes it easy to focus on important parts of a sustainable economy. The amount of capital needed to transform for a more sustainable economy, such as to positively impact climate change, is enormous. It is important that all pension recipients can make their contribution and at the same time save and invest responsibly with a good return.

ESG Investing vs. Impact Investing

Sustainability in politics

Personally, I like to look closely at where the money from my investments ends up. However, I am not sure if this has a broad value. The vote on the sustainable financial centre was not adopted in 2020. Was Switzerland not yet ready for the topic?

Roman: In Switzerland today, ecological, economic and social sustainability is relatively important for a broad section of the population. Sustainability is no longer an issue for "Birkenstocks" and "eco-fundis".

Sustainable action and investment pays off! There is a clear return on investment if we take all long-term consequences into account in our actions and ensure that all stakeholders are well off. Personal responsibility instead of prohibitions and laws: Perhaps not everyone sees it that way yet - but the trend towards more sustainability in the financial centre will continue to grow strongly due to its social relevance.

ESG Investing with Freya Savings sustainable pillar 3a Impact investing Switzerland Freya 3a
Source: Impact in Motion
Impact Investing with FREYA 4

FREYA 3a Strategy Focus

So the demand is already there and the interest in the topic is growing. What is your answer to this and what does the FREYA 3a strategy look like in concrete terms?

Rolf: In our investment strategy, we have defined five central sustainability focal points which our investors can (can) select directly via their sense profile and adopt in their investment strategy.

  1. The Climate Change is in full swing. The global thermometers are pointing in only one direction - upwards! If we want to come even close to meeting the +2°C target of the Paris Agreement for our planet, truly dramatic steps in CO2 reduction must be taken. Therefore, climate change is certainly the biggest challenge in terms of sustainability. Environmentally friendly technologies, the circular economy and the use of natural resources such as water are at the forefront of development here. 
  2. The second important trend in terms of sustainability is increasing social inequality. People understand that sustainability also has to do with Fairness, security and social peace and the social aspects of our economy are important in addition to the ecological consequences. That is why companies that are sustainable also behave fairly and decently towards their social partners. Socially responsible business is therefore the second major trend in terms of sustainability. Progressive employers and companies with ethical standards are leading the way here.
  3. The third trend concerns Medicine & Health. We believe that sustainability in terms of good living conditions for people is directly linked to primary health care and innovations in the field of medical research.
  4. Fourthly, it is a question of industrial transformation of the economy as well as the digitalization of our society. On the one hand, we will lose many jobs over the next 20 years due to automation in industry and advancing digitalization in many sectors. New jobs and entirely new business models are emerging. However, these upheavals are not only negative, but also create new value chains. Since digital products are often less material-intensive than everyday products, the CO2 burden is also reduced. Our consumer and leisure behavior is becoming increasingly digital. Companies that want to be sustainable must position themselves clearly in this trend if they do not want to lose touch.
  5. Fifthly, in the area of clean energy & infrastructure, it is a question of a Restructuring of our energy system and the expansion of renewable energy sources. Energy from the sun, wind power and biofuels, as well as new storage methods, are laying the foundation for a planet that has finite resources. 

David: The aim of market participants such as FREYA is to raise awareness among Swiss pension fund holders of the positive impact of sustainable investments on financial, environmental and social returns. We can really make a difference with our pension money if we invest our pension capital wisely!

Impact Investing with FREYA 5

Is impact investing effective?

Assuming that all 3rd pillar funds in Switzerland were invested sustainably - what would be possible?

David: Today, we are only beginning to see the impact of sustainable investment. Of course, it is relatively easy to calculate how much CO2 a flight to Spain causes. However, CO2 data is not yet available for companies across the board in sufficient quality. This should now change with new regulatory requirements. More reliable CO2 figures will enable us to separate the good from the bad. Also, many companies have only recently defined their sustainability targets. So we are at the beginning of a very long development, which makes us very positive.

Roman: To perhaps give an order of magnitude of what the impact of Pillar 3a would be if it were invested sustainably: the current volume of pension assets is CHF 130 billion. If we compare this with the GDP of a national economy, then this roughly corresponds to a country like Kenya, for example. Kenya has 54 million inhabitants. In other words, if we were to manage our Pillar 3a pension assets in Switzerland in a sustainable manner,
would be equal to the economic benefit of the Kenyan economy in one year. Accordingly, the possibilities are huge!

Activist or investor?

Do you think you will also get customers who have more sense than profit in mind? So also interested parties who are rather activists than investors?

David: Our target group is all customers who want to secure their pension provision. Activists are more likely to resort to other means to achieve their goals. Nevertheless, we believe that a certain amount of discourse is good and promotes the topic. In our opinion, however, a sustainable pension solution should not be too extremely activist, because ultimately, in order to secure private pension provision, an optimal return should be generated with investments in sustainable, responsible and future-oriented companies.

Roman: And yet there is still no pension provider that addresses the need for sustainability as specifically as we do. Doing something small - like pension provision - can have a big impact. After all, in Switzerland we are talking about over 100 billion Swiss francs that have a considerable impact when invested sustainably. You can either put this money into a 3a interest account or you can invest it sensibly and make a positive difference. We recommend the second option.

Motivating words! I'd say we'll look at your FREYA 3a app in detail in the upcoming 3rd part of this article series. I'm already looking forward to it!

Thank you very much for your time and the exciting interview! 

Conclusion: Impact Investing with FREYA 3a

You don't have to be a political activist to make your investments sustainable. Returns are possible in many different ways, so why not combine profit and meaning?

In terms of area, Switzerland is a rather small country. But the impact that we can generate is quite impressive. We do not have to push for a sustainable financial centre politically, but can make this choice individually. In part 3, we will look at how this would look in concrete terms with FREYA 3a.

How do you see the topic of provision and sustainability?

Leave us a comment there!

If you would like to find out more about FREYA Savings, or invest your 3rd pillar with them in a sustainable way, you can access FREYA 3a here:

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